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Software defined substations - a path towards cost effective and future-proof solutions

Anton Krupskii

Published on 25 Mar, 2022

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Software defined substations - a path towards cost effective and future-proof solutions
Summary Unlike renovating the entire secondary system of power substations, adding software defined functions save time and cost. Retrofitting the virtual Merging Unit running on a Substation Server offers an efficient future proof upgrade. Simply add a substation server, some sensors and the virtual Merging Unit application and get IEC61850 interoperability, advanced measurements, and a future proof platform for virtualized applications. The potential of moving towards a software defined substation:
  • Due to the energy transition TSOs and DSOs move to data driven system operations
  • Based on the average age of a substation, typically over 50% of legacy substations is not supporting the digitalization
  • Renovation of a secondary system for a substation takes 6 months 
  • The upgrade of substation automation functionality can be reduced by 50-80% by introducing software defined technology
  Table of contents
  • Challenges
  • Application Example
  • Virtual Merging Unit in addition to IEDs for protection
  • Advantages
  • Software Defined Substation
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Anton Krupskii

Vice President Digital Substation at Welotec GmbH

Anton is an expert in substation automation and smart grid technology.

With extensive experience in international development and a strong focus on cybersecurity, virtualization, and energy transition, he drives innovation and actively shapes the future of industrial automation.

Anton Krupskii, Vice President Digital Substation at Welotec GmbH, expert in substation automation, smart grid technology, and energy transition.