Our Responsibility
Taking responsibility is an integral part of our daily activities. We follow the holistic approach of putting the well-being of people, the environment and the community first. This approach serves as a benchmark for our strategic orientation. At Welotec, we know that sustainability has many facets and take the responsibility to align our actions accordingly.
We are solidary, transparent, ethically correct and environmentally conscious. And that is exactly what we want to demonstrate every day. This awareness extends to the environmental, economic and social areas in which we are actively engaged through a variety of measures, proactively taking responsibility, advocating for others and contributing to a future worth living in.

At Welotec, we see the idea of sustainability as a chance to take responsibility, to develop further and to contribute to a future worth living in. We always want to be better than yesterday and focus our actions on the day after tomorrow. That is why we have been focusing on the various facets of sustainability for many years. In addition, we have firmly anchored the topic in our corporate strategy:
sustainable, conscious and transparent action enables us to proactively take on responsibility.
As part of our continuous improvement process, we set internal targets and monitor their achievement. These include emissions reduction, sustainable logistics and sourcing, and short- and long-term measures to reduce the carbon footprint of our employees.
Social Commitment
Our third pillar is social responsibility. Throughout the company, we always act in accordance with the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). Internally, we also rely on measures such as health surveys, team building, health and safety training and a living culture of values to increase employee satisfaction and ensure long-term loyalty. We accept our regional responsibility in the Münsterland region and cooperate with regional associations and networks. We also focus on training and supporting young people in the region.
Various external social responsibility activities, such as various fundraising campaigns, complete our social commitment. In July 2022, our efforts in the areas of environment, labor & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement were awarded the bronze medal in the EcoVadis sustainability ranking at the first attempt. Last year, we proudly celebrated our leap from bronze to silver in the 2023 EcoVadis Sustainability Ranking - a sign of our deep commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.
Economic Responsibility
Our economic responsibility is fundamentally based on our economic success. To achieve our business goals in line with our sustainable and responsible actions, we focus on digitalization, decentralization and decarbonization. We develop our high-quality digital IoT solutions with passion, innovation and as a reliable partner for the benefit of our customers.
In our offices, we rely on paperless working methods and video conferencing systems for communication. We regard ISO certifications as an important tool for our organization and our economic goals. Our company is certified according to ISO 27001 and is thus characterized by special information security. We also ensure our quality through ISO 9001 certification.
Our Actions
Procurement and logistics
We recycle shipping materials and focus on sustainable procurement.
Mobile working
We save emissions caused by commuting by working on the move.
Paper-free office
We use the advantages of digitalisation to reduce the amount of paper we use.
Reusable instead of disposable
We use reusable bottles to reduce waste.
We rely on electric mobility for our company cars.
Solar power system
We rely on solar energy and have our own solar system on the roof.
Bicycle instead of car
We offer employees the opportunity to lease a job bicycle.
Code of Conduct
At Welotec, our Code of Conduct guides our daily actions and emphasizes integrity, transparency and respect. We are committed to ethical practices, fostering a positive work environment and ensuring compliance with legal standards. Our commitment to these principles reflects our dedication to responsible business and sustainable growth.