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Intelligent tunnel monitoring with Welotec RSAPC

Jos Zenner

Published on 22 Dec, 2021

Intelligent tunnel monitoring with Welotec RSAPC

About Siemens (Belgium)

Siemens develops innovations that take society further, with a focus on electrification, automation and digitalization. As one of the world's largest producers of energy efficiency technologies, Siemens is a leading supplier of power generation, transmission and medical diagnostic systems. Siemens plays a pioneering role in infrastructure and industrial solutions.

In this application example from Siemens Belgium, the Welotec Rugged Substation Automation PC (RSPAC) is used for the local visualisation of some tunnel application in Brussels.  

In this case, the need for a very robust server is necessary due to the environmental conditions. The RSAPC can permanently withstand the large temperature fluctuations due to its extended operating temperature range (-40 ° - +75°C). In addition, the fanless design and its resistance to dust increases the life of the RSAPC system in the tunnels. 

All parameters from the tunnel are monitored by the system so that it can continuosly react to certain events. When, for example, a limit of CO concentration is measured, the ventilation will be started. The pumps are started when it is raining.  

All collected information and visualisation is sent to the Brussels Mobility headquarters, where an operator tracks the operations around the clock. A local backup system is implemented in every tunnel. The system has exactly the same functions but is limited to one tunnel. The applications run on the RSAPC.  


Jos Zenner

Chief Technology Officer at Welotec GmbH

Jos Zenner is the Chief Technology Officer at Welotec GmbH and a member of the steering committee of the vPAC Alliance. He specializes in leading product management and R&D within the digitalization sector, with a particular focus on the electric grid and digital substations. His work leverages technology to accelerate the energy transition. As a thought leader with a profound understanding of the market, Jos Zenner is at the forefront of innovation in this field.

Jos Zenner, Chief Technology Officer at Welotec, expert in digitalization for the energy sector, specializing in smart grids and digital substations.