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Position antennas correctly

Jos Zenner

Published on 15 Sep, 2021

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Position antennas correctly

An antenna is nothing more than a transmitting and receiving device for electromagnetic waves. However, not all antennas are created equal - when selecting and operating the solutions there are important points to consider. Because although many of the products available on the market have impressive on paper, the performance in practice often falls short of expectations. Jos Zenner, CTO at Welotec GmbH, explains the reasons why.

Five common mistakes that are easy to avoid

More topics
  • Avoid mismatches from the outset
  • Groundplane – necessary or not?
  • The right antenna cable
  • Directional antennas vs. omnidirectional antennas
  • Position of antennas
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Jos Zenner

Chief Technology Officer at Welotec GmbH

Jos Zenner is the Chief Technology Officer at Welotec GmbH and a member of the steering committee of the vPAC Alliance. He specializes in leading product management and R&D within the digitalization sector, with a particular focus on the electric grid and digital substations. His work leverages technology to accelerate the energy transition. As a thought leader with a profound understanding of the market, Jos Zenner is at the forefront of innovation in this field.

Jos Zenner, Chief Technology Officer at Welotec, expert in digitalization for the energy sector, specializing in smart grids and digital substations.